Crossover delivered the project upgrades for videoconferencing at Here East.
Boardroom Upgrades and Acoustic Treatment
Situated in Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park in Hackney, East London, the former London Olympics 2012 Broadcast and Press Centres were reinvented after the games thanks to a privately funded £120m regeneration project.
The campus, of over a million square feet, is now a tech hub housing a wide range of businesses, academic institutions and start-ups.
Crossover’s AV upgraded and did an amazing acoustic treatment in the boardrooms at Here East.

The 1.2m sq ft campus has been refurbished, and is now a tech hub housing a wide range of companies and institutions under one roof. In 2016 its doors were opened to tenants which now include the likes of BT Sport (who have three studios on site), Ford, leading fitness app Fiit, UCL and Loughborough University.
Here East is also home to Plexal, an innovation centre housing over 180 companies, supporting many forward thinking start-ups and smaller businesses such as Smart Mobility Living Lab and leading digital technology agency Solo Works.
Boardroom Upgrades and Acoustic Treatment
- Boardroom Upgrades
- Acoustic Treatment

Service & Maintenance for Videowalls, Digital Signage, Meeting Rooms and Boardrooms
Crossover were brought on board to provide a unified audiovisual support service for the Here East AV systems, which had been installed 4 years previously by various suppliers. The provided AV support services include technical support, regular service visits and guidance on equipment life-cycle replacement planning.
To kick off the AV support agreement Crossover carried out a comprehensive technical survey of the installed AV systems, facilitating the creation of full system wiring schematics and the production of a helpful user guide for Here East staff to understand the equipment. Apparently these services were much needed and welcomed after many years of confusion amongst the staff on how the systems operate, on-going difficulties accessing timely expert support and troubleshooting AV issues.

Read more about Crossover's recent project work here.
Contact us to find out more about Crossover's AV technical support, service and maintenance services for all kinds of business in Greater London and the UK.